Tuesday 20 May 2014

Saving Imfolozi Wildlife

First of all, just a note saying that I will not be constantly updating this blog like I do for the Merlin Mega Fan, I will only be using it occasionally.

The Imfolozi Wilderness in South Africa, a world renowned protected area.
Say NO to Ibutho Coal and its Fuleni Anthracite Project!
It lies at the heart of the Zulu Kingdom and was sacred to the Zulu people in the time of Shaka. It was home to the last white Rhino in the 1890's.

But this beautiful wilderness is under threat.

A coal company has put in an application for a coal mine just 40 meters away from the border.

If this is allowed to happen, the mine will desecrate the Imfolozi Wilderness Area for current and future generations. It's tremors will be felt far and wide, and it will make it easier for poachers to enter the grounds.

It is set to be given the green light on 6 June 2014.

We MUST stop this from happening!

There is currently an AVAAZ petition which you can sign by clicking here.
Also, here is a link to the official blog which will tell you much more than I can.

Please get more people signing the petition, because if we get 10,000 people to sign, AVAAZ will take the campaign global.

Use #SaveOurIMfoloziWilderness, phone, email, tell all the people you know, use blogs, twitter, Facebook  other social networking sites, get in touch with tv presenters, radio presenters, anyone! Spread the word!

Let's save the oldest protected area in Africa!

I will be adding a series of posts about what this wilderness means to others.